Scent of a Woman

by loudfrogs | 8:41 AM in |

by Lexy London

Some men love to do it, some men refuse to do it, and some men will only do it if they have a signed contract guaranteeing a reciprocal act will be performed on them. But this week's question shows that apparently there's another category of men out there - the ones who sincerely want to, but, darn it, just can't get past the odor.

I've never been too frivolous with women which is what I would attribute the naivety of my question to. I've always had a problem giving women oral pleasure. To put it more accurately, I haven't been able to with the two women I've been with!

My issue is not that I don't want to, believe me I've tried because I really want to, well, make her feel good. But it's just that as I go south, and near the holiest of holies, I unintentionally gag because of the smell. Now, I'm worried as to whether this is psychological or whether it's just something I need to overcome.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a pig who's just too macho wacho to do it, I really want to but haven't been able to. And trust me, it's embarrassing. I usually then try to cover up by teasing her or just using my hands. I don't want to talk to her about it, it's kind of insulting but I know she's probably wondering why I do (er, don't do) this...

Yes, she probably is wondering what the deal is, especially if she's hobbing your knob on any kind of regular basis. So let's work through a couple of things and hopefully find a solution for your problem.

First, the fact that the same thing has happened with two women is worrisome. Women have different chemistries, metabolisms, etc, so it's a little odd that you would find two women who both have such a strong vaginal odor that you nearly lose your lunch. If it was just one woman, I'd say she may have a yeast or bacterial infection that she needed to have checked out medically. But two women... Could this be a psychological problem? I suppose it could be. Just in case, lay back on the couch and thing long and hard about what this particular smell conjures up for you. Did both women smell bad in the same way? Is it a regular body-odor smell, or a something's-not-right-in-that-vagina smell? Did you have a traumatic run in with a clam in early childhood?

All kidding aside, I wouldn't be doing my job if I just said, "Ah, yes, it must be psychological." Let's look at the problem logically. The crotch area (for men and women) is generally a place shrouded in clothing and hair, and therefore it gets hot and sweaty. Bacteria love hot and sweaty. Bacteria are what cause body odor. For instance, when your armpits are damp, you lift your arm, exposing the sweat and bacteria to the air - when you sniff, you nearly knock yourself out. The same applies to the genital area. And even if your girlfriend hasn't just returned from a serious workout at the gym, there is a natural odor that comes with the vagina, the same way that I guarantee there's an odor that accompanies your equipment.

With all of that information in mind, my first advice to you would be to talk to her about it. I understand your reluctance to do so - you may envision an uncomfortable scene for both of you, but mature people having mature sex should be able to talk about something like this. If you'd really like to please her this way (and you expect her to do the same for you), then maybe having a talk about it would help. But I also understand that you don't want to embarrass her, and maybe you're embarrassed about your own gag reflex.

So if you don't want to talk to her about it, the next best thing is to make your oral move when her vagina is freshly laundered. For instance, next time she's just gotten out of the shower, right as she's getting ready to get dressed for school or work, throw her on the bed, or kneel in front of her, and get busy. A clean vagina may still have a little of the natural odor, but it shouldn't make you gag. (If it does, maybe you'll want to revisit psychological angle.) If you're still worried it will make you gag, breathe through your mouth instead of your nose - close off your sinus breathing the same way you do when you go swimming.

Your other option is to make it your mission remove as much of the odor as possible - tell her you want to give her a relaxing bath, ask her if you can shave her nether regions. Hair can be one of the big culprits in the heat, sweat and bacteria fight. If she lets you shave her, be VERY careful. If she doesn't want to do that, just give her a full bath, relax her by washing her hair, soap and rinse all the nooks and crannies� and you'll end up with a relaxed woman and a fresh vagina that's just ripe for the licking.