Penis Size

by loudfrogs | 12:51 PM in |

Penis size is determined entirely by factors out of our control. Yet penis size may be the single greatest cause of anxiety for men young and old. Questions about penis size abound; What’s the average penis size? Can I increase my penis size? Does penis size matter as much as I think it does? Some of these questions have easy answers, most of them don’t.

What can safely be said is that concern about penis size is almost always misguided. Great sex is much more than the sum (or length) of its parts. Hopefully learning more about what researchers and regular folks have to say about penis size may help more men understand that.

What is the average penis size?

Data on what the average penis size is, both in terms of length and girth, as well as an explanation of the problems with measuring penis size and determining global statistics on average penis size.

Who cares more about penis size, women or men?

Is bigger always better? Does penis size matter to the general public? Here’s what research tells us about the importance of penis size.

Think your penis is too small?

There are some very simple reasons why most men think their penis is too small, here they are.

Bad penis science: What’s wrong with research on penis size?

One of the reasons that it’s so difficult to find accurate global data on average penis size is that measuring penises is a lot more complicated than you might think. As a result there is a lot of bad research out there on penis size.

How do I measure up?

There is a tendency to compare yourself to others, and if most of your sex education has been from pornography, comparing your penis size to the images you see on your computer screen or TV may not be a good thing. Here’s the real story on how you measure up, and the trouble with comparing penis size.

Is there a “right” penis size?

Is there such a thing as your “genital soul mate”? Does penis size play a role in how well you and a partner are matched sexually?

Can penis pumps make my penis larger?

They’re marketed as permanent penis enlargers, and you get emails every day praising their effectiveness. But do penis pumps really enlarge the penis?

What is a micropenis?

Learn more about what does, and does not, qualify clinically as a very small penis. Most men who think they have one don’t.

Small penis syndrome

A new proposed diagnosis for men who are anxious about their penis size despite being shown that they do not have an unusually small penis.

Why do some people care about penis size?

There are those who say penis size does matter. What’s important about penis size for them, and why do they care about it?

Nine things to know about male sexuality

There’s so much more to men than the size of their penis. Here is a crash course on key aspects of male sexuality that everyone should know about.

Male Genitalia 101

The penis is only one of several parts to the male sexual anatomy. When you learn more about what’s there, you may stop neglecting all the other sexual bits, and you could discover a world of pleasure you hadn’t imagined.